Stacey: You get lonely?
Cheryl: Honestly? I'm lonelier in my real life than I am out here. I miss my friends, of course, but it's not as if I have anybody waiting for me at home. How about you?
Cheryl: Why are you here?
Stacey: I don't know. I just need to find something in myself, you know? I think the trail was good for that. I mean, look.
[They look up at the sunset]

Sunset at Tanjung Aru Beach, Sabah, Malaysia
From Earth to Sun
Your light feeds my soul and my body, keeping me alive like trees. The moments I forgot about you
are the moments I got lost in death, senseless, blackness of vanity.
It's messy down here, as you can see from above, brightly. Hiding,
I refuse to be sought, and I know that I'm rotting here, slowly, in confusion.
To understand the world is like diving in deep water of endless darkness,
Seeking what lies at the bottom. You know that, and through you I see
Humanity is getting undefined here--losing it's meaning everyday,
But books keep its sacred definition. And yet, if readers prefer to face books than to read books,
How does one gets out of the deep water and see you? But, how does one stays
In your light when your brightness hates shadow?
And how can I get rid of my shadow to live in your bright light?
I choose to stay here. But I will make sure to wait for you
Every morning and every evening. I will let the moon
And the stars to guide me at night when the world gets too dark.
Because you are the only light that has never lied
to me. And I choose to trust you.
Stacey: This has the power to fill you up again, if you'll let it.
Cheryl: My mother used to say something that drove me nuts. There is a sunrise and a sunset every day and you can choose to be there for it. You can put yourself in the way of beauty.
Stacey: My kind of woman.