In A Flash
by Tilon Sagulu
About Me

I've always introduced myself as Tilon to strangers, rather than Herlveron Bin Sagulu, which is the name printed on my birth certificate. Not that I dislike my "official" name--I love it! But most people would hear "rarrarrar" instead of Herlveron if I say it to them (try pronouncing it yourself and you'll get what I mean...or maybe I'm just exaggerating). So, Tilon (Tee-Lawn, derived from a Dusun word, "Guntialon," means mischievous)--a nickname I grew up with--so far have made my life and other people's lives easier (I think). Also, I'm published under Tilon Sagulu.
I consider myself as a full-time writer (a job that doesn't really pay my bills). And to pay my bills I have worked as a barista, baker, substitute science teacher, tutor, and a digital marketer. The kitchen is my laboratory where I experiment cooking and baking. I "create" photographs for fun, and sometimes videos. I have a Bachelor of Science in Biology and English from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and I have recently completed a Master of Arts in English Literature from University of Malaya. And yes! I am working hard to publish my first book.
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you"
~Maya Angelo