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We Were Born Superheroes

Superhero movies are not merely movies with protagonists wearing spandexes, having superpowers to maintain peace on Earth (USA most of the time, unless you’re thinking about our Cicak-man and Kluangman); superheroes teach us—the spectators—how to be superheroes, providing us with examples, patterns and ways to live out our lives (hopefully to the fullest).

We are all superheroes, but not literally—I’m not saying that we can fly like Superman or control the weather like Storm or heal fast like Wolverine, but as the “protagonist” of our lives we might as well be superheroes than merely “humans,” surviving and existing on earth.

When I was a kid, I was told that I have to go to school, study hard, get a good job, earn money, get married, raise a family, keep getting money to pay the bills and life goes on like that, as if this is the only living pattern on earth that supposed to have endless potentials and possibilities. Now, how many of us are following this path? Maybe some of your friends are pursuing this direction and they “look happy,” and it makes you feel a little hopeless and stagnant because you’re not in that “norm path of life.” Don’t worry because here’s a good news: you’re a superhero!


Firstly, superheroes’ lives are not typical—they’re "richer" and more interesting than normal, boring lives (I’m referring to the linear imagined “perfect life” filled with repetitions, which I hope no longer exist). Secondly, no matter how tough life gets, no matter what adversities you’re going through, in the end of the day, you will definitely win, just like the ending of all superhero movies—you win no matter what! Thirdly, your existence is very important because you’re a unique role model that epitomizes there is no such thing as an absolute one-living-pattern on earth. Lastly, you don’t need superpower to be a superhero; as long as you have courage to show up, to stand up for what’s right, humility to learn and grow, and of course responsibility for all your actions and choices, you will live a great superhero life. Besides, you have your voice, your brain and words!—these are superpowers only if you use them wisely and not destructively.

If I were to pick one lesson from these superhero movies—the most fundamental one at least to myself would be, to be the best version of my self, and to hold on to it dearly (I know it's cliche, but just keep reading). You see, Superman can never be Batman or vice versa. Storm has an awesome superpower, but she can’t heal fast like Wolverine. Instead of comparing themselves with each other, they strive to be the best version of themselves despite their limits and weaknesses. So strive to be the best version of “you” daily because you’re a superhero not only to yourself, but also to the people around you. Be the best you; it’s the least we can do as superheroes.

And one more thing, if I were to have a real superpower, my superpower would be to be able to create all delicious food in the world in a blink of an eye! Hunger Games would become irrelevant because the world wouldn't know what hunger meant anymore. What would be your superpower?

Peace to the world!

First version of this piece was published in Breeze Magazine, Issue 95 in March 2016.

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